It’s Time to go to School!

What time do you get up for school? For some, it could be 6:00 am or 7:00 am. Whatever time you go to bed or get up for school can affect how tired you are. That is why I think school should start at 10:00 am. First of all, students and teachers can wake up later. If school started at 10:00 am then it would end at 5:00 pm. Then, there would be extracurriculars after 5:00 pm and we would all turn into night owls eating at 8:00 pm. That way everyone will be more awake and teachers will save their money for something more important than coffee, in the mornings. Another reason is that students will be able to pay more attention in the morning because of their extra sleep. Imagine this, you are the principal of Morrison Zion and you are walking to the fifth and sixth grade room. You open the door only to find that all the kids are taking notes and paying attention to Mr. Geidel. You are shocked and wonder how this could be? Then, you remember your former student, Kiley Hassemer, who wrote a persuasive paragraph, in 2022, giving reasons for why school should start at 10:00 am.  Anyway, my final reason why school should start at 10:00 am is that kids and teachers will have a more energized day. An average human will go to bed around 11:00 pm and wake up around 7:20 am. If people keep going to bed at their normal time but get to sleep in till 8:00 am or 9:00 am, that extra one to two hours could give them more fuel. In conclusion, I think school should start at 10:00 am because students and teachers can wake up later, students will be able to pay more attention, and kids and teachers will be more energized. Let yourself get some sleep!

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